Why Trading Fees?

High Trading Fees??

Reason For High Trading Fees:

The reason we implemented these high trading fees is to be able to sustain the project for a longer time than any of our competitors and be able to discourage selling tokens. The big issue of these types of Auto-Staking tokens is that the fee is high but not harsh enough to discourage whales from selling. With our fees, whales will take a hard hit selling therefore, they will be discouraged to sell.

Buy Trading Fees:

  • 3.5% LP

  • 4% HIF

  • 7% Treasury

  • 2.5% Pit of Hell

Sell Trading Fess:

  • 4% LP

  • 5% HIF

  • 7% Treasury

  • 3% Pit of Hell


  • LP - Trading fees goes to backing the liquidity of the BNB/GOH pair on Pancake Swap ensuring an ever-increasing collateral value of $GOH.

  • HIF - Trading fees are stored in the Heavenly Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.

  • Treasury - Trading fees go directly to the treasury which supports the HIF and provides a marketing budget for GOH and funds new product development on everything in our Roadmap.

  • Fire Pit - 2.5%-3% of all $GOH traded are burnt in the Pit of Hell. The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling auto-compounding which in return acts to reduce the circulating supply of $GOH and keeping the GOH protocol stable.

Last updated